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Annual reports and accounts

This section holds the annual report and statement of accounts for the South Yorkshire Pension Fund: this includes the actuary's report and one from the independent advisors. This section also holds the statement of accounts for the Authority itself: this is a separate document.

Read our lateast annual reports and accounts


Here you will find your guide to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) plus a whole range of booklets to cover every circumstance. Some of the booklets contain forms that you may need to complete and send to us or your employer depending on your circumstances.

View our range of booklets

Customer charter

As a Public Sector Pension Scheme Administrator we are very much aware of the need for efficiency and the need to strive for value for money in all the services we provide. We are also very customer focused hence we published the Customer Charter. This is basically our promise to you on the level of service you will receive from us. Newsletters On this page you will find all the newsletters that we have issued which keep you up to date with current issues and matters that affect your pension benefits. Factsheets Here you will find a number of factsheets which provide specific information about certain topics and areas of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).

View our customer charter information


On this page you will find all the newsletters that we have issued which keep you up to date with current issues and matters that affect your pension benefits.

Read our latest newsletters


Here you will find a number of factsheets which provide specific information about certain topics and areas of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).

View LGPS factsheets

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South Yorkshire Pensions Authority,
Oakwell House,
2 Beevor Court,
Pontefract Road,
S71 1HG



Tel: 0300 303 6160


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