Useful scheme information

How to become a South Yorkshire Pension Fund employer

To become a SYPF employer you will need to be a body listed in Schedule 2 of the LGPS Regulations 2013

Organisations such as; County Councils, District Councils, Academies and further and higher education corporations are named in the LGPS regulations as scheme employers and automatically participate in the scheme.

Administering authorities can admit organisations that are not automatically scheme employers but who satisfy certain other conditions. These are called 'admission bodies'.

Admission bodies fall into two main categories:

•   A body that has a community of interest with Local Government employers. It is a 'not for profit' organisation and is admitted to the Fund by way of an Admission Agreement.

•   A company that has taken on work on behalf of a scheme employer by means of a contract or other arrangement and is admitted to the Fund by way of an admission agreement.

Employees of an admission body can join the LGPS if the admission agreement allows it.

  • Academies If you are a school and
    are considering converting
    to an academy
  • Admission body If you are an employer choosing
    to participate in the LGPS under
    an admission agreement i.e. a
    contractor or a charity

LGPS Regulations Definition

An administering authority may make an admission agreement with:

  1. a body which provides a public service in the United Kingdom otherwise than for the purposes of gain and has sufficient links with a scheme employer for the body and the scheme employer to be regarded as having a community of interest, whether because the operations of the body are dependent on the operations of the scheme employer or otherwise, or

  2. a body to the funds of which any scheme employer contributes, or

  3. a body which provides or will provide a service or assets in connection with the exercise of a function of a scheme employer as a result of:

    the transfer of the service or assets by means of a contract or other arrangement.

  1. The outsourcing employer needs to complete the Template for new admission body, providing SYPF with details of the outsourcing service or function pdf icon Template for new admission bodies opens in new window
  2. The completion of the employee data file detailing all staff who are part of the transfer Data file opens in new window
  3. The completion of the points of contact form Point of contact form opens in new window
  4. Completion of the Direct Debit Mandate - SYPF collect contributions via Direct Debit. Please arrange for the completion of the mandate in readiness for the admission Direct debit mandate opens in new window Please refer to the section on our website regarding the Direct Debit collection where we have a guide regarding the process

Please send the following documents via secure messaging, if you do not have access to a secure messaging service please contact us for further assistance

  1. Download PDFTemplate for new admission bodies[778 kb]
  2. Data file [15 kb]
  3. Download PDF Point of contact form [278 kb]
  4. Download PDF Direct debit mandate [457 kb] Please refer to the section on our website regarding Direct Debit Collection

The contractor’s pension contribution rate is set equal to the Primary contribution rate payable by the ceding employer. This will change from time to time in line with changes to the ceding employer’s Primary contribution rate (i.e. following future actuarial valuations).

The Council retains responsibility for variations in funding level, for instance due to investment performance, changes in market conditions, longevity, and salary experience under its pass-through arrangement, irrespective of the size of the outsourcing.

The contractor will meet the cost of additional liabilities arising from (non-ill health) early retirements and augmentations. Ill health experience will be pooled with the ceding employer and no additional strain payments will be levied on the contractor in respect of ill health retirements. The contractor will not be required to obtain an indemnity bond.

There will be no notional transfer of assets to the contractor within the Fund. This means that all assets and liabilities relating to the contractor’s staff will remain the responsibility of the ceding employer during the period of participation.

The terms of the pass though agreement will be documented by way of the admission agreement between the Pensions Authority, the ceding employer, and the contractor.

The principles outlined above are the default principles which will apply; however, the ceding employer may request the specific details of a particular agreement to differ from the principles outlined above. The Pensions Authority are not obliged to agree to a departure from the principles set out in this policy but will consider such requests and engage with the ceding employer to reach agreement.

At the end of the contract (or when there are no longer any active members participating in the Fund, for whatever reason), the admission agreement will cease and no further payment will be required from the contractor (or the ceding employer) to the Fund, save for any outstanding regular contributions and/or invoices relating to the cost of early retirement strains and/or augmentations. Likewise, no “exit credit” payment will be required from the Fund to the contractor (or ceding employer).  

The actuarial and Legal fees quoted are approximate and can vary to those quoted, additional fees can be added if data supplied to the actuary isn’t accurate or timely or the Legal Process requires clarification and additional preparation:

Actuarial fees

Calculation of opening position and contribution rate £495 +VAT ( £605+ VAT with Bond assessment) approx.
Calculation of bond renewal for an existing employer £825 +VAT approx.
Setting up a passthrough employer £125 +VAT approx.
Cessation calculation on existing employer £1000 +VAT approx.
Cessation of a passthrough employer £110 +VAT approx.

Legal fees
Drafting of a new Admission Agreement £1,250 plus VAT approx.
Bond Agreement £700 +VAT approx.

Once the Admission Agreement is finalised - the next steps 

Once the Admission Agreement is sealed and the applicant is a scheme employer it is important to know what the next steps and responsibilities the new employer has to maintain. Please see below:

SYPA collect contributions via Direct Debit, Please refer to the section on our website regarding the Direct Debit collection

The employer contribution rate is calculated during the actuarial assessment and will be payable from the admission date. This rate will be subject to review at the next triennial actuarial valuation.

Once the Admission Agreement is signed and sealed, employee pension contributions should be paid to the Fund. The employee Contribution Pay Bands page

The employee contribution rate would be payable from the ‘effective date’ of the agreement.

The Admitted Body (or their payroll provider) must submit a Monthly Data Collection (MDC) file via the SYPA secure online Employer Web site. For information on uploading monthly submissions, producing the file, hints, tips and FAQ’s, please refer to our Monthly data submissions guide. Submission should be made in accordance with the MDC collection dates as shown on the table in the Collection of Pension Contributions By Direct Debit Process Guide

Please read our Administration Strategy It sets out, amongst other things, how the Administering Authority, SYPA, will administer the Pension Scheme and Fund on behalf of Employing Organisations, and their Scheme Members, participating in the South Yorkshire Pension Fund, its requirements for employers in terms of the timely and accurate provision of information pertinent to the administration of the Scheme and Fund, and the penalties to be applied to those employing organisations failing to meet their duties, responsibilities and obligations as detailed within the  Pension Administration Strategy.

The actuarial and Legal fees quoted are approximate and can vary to those quoted, additional fees can be added if data supplied to the actuary isn’t accurate or timely or the Legal Process requires clarification and additional preparation:

Actuarial fees

Calculation of opening position and contribution rate £495 +VAT ( £605+ VAT with Bond assessment) approx.
Calculation of bond renewal for an existing employer £825 +VAT approx.
Setting up a passthrough employer £125 +VAT approx.
Cessation calculation on existing employer £550 +VAT approx.
Cessation of a passthrough employer £110 +VAT approx.

Legal fees
Drafting of a new Admission Agreement £1250 + VAT with a Bond approx.
Bond Agreement £700 +VAT approx.

It is important that you keep SYPF informed of details of the Contract. If the contract ends and is not extended, or the last active member on the contract leaves employment, your admission agreement will terminate. When an agreement terminates, there are a couple of potential cost implications that the employer needs to be aware of:-

  1. The Fund must obtain a final valuation at exit date of the liabilities that were built up in respect if the exiting employer’s current and former employees. The fund use Hymans Robertson LLP as the actuary and the fee is approximately £500-600 plus VAT for this final valuation and must be paid by the exiting employer. This fee has been significantly reduced from earlier years but does assume timely and accurate data is provided to SYPA when required. Additional fees may apply if this is not the case.

  2. The final valuation may identify a termination deficit * which will need to be paid by the exiting employer to settle all the liabilities under the admission agreement. In exceptional cases there may be a surplus at termination. In cases where the contracting employer has borne some of the funding risk (e.g. where they have subsidised the employer contributions in some way through the terms of the service contract or where they have agreed to restrict the pensions liability of the exiting employer) any surplus would be credited to the contracting employer’s share of the fund. In cases where the exiting employer has fully funded all the contributions AND carried all the funding risk, any surplus would be paid to the exiting employer.

*    The contribution rates paid by the employer during the length of the contract were set based on estimates of the projected liability (re-assessed at every triennial valuation) using a wide number of assumptions - for example around membership movements, investment returns, inflation, etc. These assumptions are unlikely to have been exactly borne out in reality of course so the termination deficit (or surplus) reflects the actual experience at the point the admission agreement terminates and is a final settlement amount which extinguishes any future liability.

Cessation of a Passthrough Admission Agreement
At the end of the contract (or when there are no longer any active members participating in the Fund, for whatever reason), the admission agreement will cease and no further payment will be required from the contractor (or the ceding employer) to the Fund, save for any outstanding regular contributions and/or invoices relating to the cost of early retirement strains and/or augmentations. Likewise, no “exit credit” payment will be required from the Fund to the contractor (or ceding employer). The actuary will issue a nil cessation notification and there will be associated fees for this work, details of which can be found under the fees section of this page.

If your contract is extended, you must confirm the new contract end date to the Fund as soon as possible, to enable us to update our records.

South Yorkshire Pension Fund has a dedicated Employer Engagement team who are committed to supporting employers.

We offer a range of different ways to engage and support our employers on the Employer Engagement page


South Yorkshire Pensions Authority,
Oakwell House,
2 Beevor Court,
Pontefract Road,
S71 1HG



Tel: 0300 303 6160


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