
This site is for employers

employerHub Login Support

logging in

Once your access request has been verified, we will send you 2 separate emails containing:

• Username.

• Activation code.

To activate your account, follow the below steps:

    1. Select the link within the email.
    2. Input your username and activation code into the relevant boxes and select submit.
    3. On the Terms and Conditions page, tick the boxes to say you have accepted them and select submit. You cannot proceed until you have done this.
    4. Input your contact details, create a password, then select submit.
    5. Your account will now be activated, and you will be redirected to the employerHub portal homepage to log in.
Password must be between 9 and 20 characters long and contain 1 number, lower and uppercase letters and a special character (e.g. $).

On entering your username and password, you will receive a OTC via email. These codes are generated dynamically, are time sensitive (10 mins), and can only be used once. OTCs provide an additional layer of security to traditional authentication methods, such as security Q/A's.

Forgotten your user details

If you’ve forgotten your password, follow the steps below.

    1. Go to the platform login page and select the "Forgotten your user details" link, located below the login form.
    2. Select password from the dropdown control and select Submit.
    3. Enter your:

        • User name

        • Registered Email Address

        • Surname

    4. You will be emailed a OTC, enter this and select Submit.
    5. Confirmation of a new password is displayed, Select the Complete button.
    6. Return to the login form and enter the temporary password received, Please login to your account using the new password. You can then use the change my account / change my password option to update it to a password of your choice.

Password must be between 9 and 20 characters long and contain 1 number, lower and uppercase letters and a special character (e.g. $).

If you’ve forgotten your username, follow the steps below.

    1. Go to the platform login page and select the "Forgotten your user details" link, located below the login form.
    2. Select username from the dropdown control and select Submit.
    3. Enter your:

        • Surname

        • Registered Email Address

    4. You will be emailed a OTC and select Submit.
    5. Confirmation of the username being sent is displayed.
    6. Select complete and check your email.

Locked out

Your account will be locked after three failed login attempts and will automatically unlock after 120 minutes.

During this time you will not be able to use Forgotten user details, until your account has unlocked.


South Yorkshire Pensions Authority,
Oakwell House,
2 Beevor Court,
Pontefract Road,
S71 1HG



Tel: 0300 303 6160


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