Senior Management Team

Who's who at South Yorkshire Pensions Authority

Senior Management Team

George Graham

George's role is to be the Authority's statutory Head of Paid Service which means that he is the Authority's principal policy adviser and is responsible for the ensuring that the organisation is set up to effectively deliver the objectives set for it.


Debbie Sharp

Debbie is responsible for the Authority's main customer facing operations and is responsible for maintaining relationships with scheme members and employers. The service’s responsibilities include:

  • Maintenance of scheme member records
  • Calculation and payment of benefits
  • Relationships with scheme employers including admissions and terminations
  • Customer Contact
Assistant Director – Pensions

Andy Stone

Andy's small team is responsible for ensuring that the investments of the Pension Fund deliver the performance necessary to ensure that funds are available to pay pensions when required. Their specific responsibilities include:

  • Design of the Investment Strategy
  • Monitoring of the performance of external fund managers
  • Responsible investment
  • Contributing to the development of the Border to Coast Pensions Partnership
Assistant Director – Investment Strategy

Gillian Taberner

Gillian’s team is responsible for ensuring that the organisation as a whole runs smoothly and their responsibilities include:

  • Production of the Authority's accounts and budget
  • Investment accounting
  • Accounts payable and receivable
  • Payroll
  • Human Resources
  • Governance Risk and Compliance
  • Office management
  • Procurement
  • Management of Service Level Agreement
Assistant Director - Resources


South Yorkshire Pensions Authority,
Oakwell House,
2 Beevor Court,
Pontefract Road,
S71 1HG



Tel: 0300 303 6160


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