Public Involvement at Pensions Authority Meetings

Public Involvement at Pensions Authority Meetings

Members of the public are welcome to attend our Authority meetings. Generally, Authority meetings are open to the public and you can stay for as long as you want to. The meeting agenda will make it clear if and when the public are to be excluded and the reasons why. The Chair will ask the public and press to leave before such items. Dates of our meetings can be found here and are held at

Oakwell House,
2 Beevor Court,
Pontefract Road,
South Yorkshire S71 1HG

It would be appreciated if you could register to attend, in advance of the meeting, by emailing , as this will assist with the management of attendance at the meeting.

Can I watch meetings online?

Our meetings are streamed live and they are also recorded and available to watch after the meeting.

Questions from members of the public

South Yorkshire Pensions Authority welcomes questions from members of the public at the Authority meetings.

How much notice is needed to submit or ask a question?

A person may only ask a question if notice has been given in writing (preferably by e-mail or via the post) seven clear days in advance of the meeting.

Questions should be e-mailed to or if by post sent to the above address marked FAO The Governance Team.

What is the protocol for asking the question at the meeting?

In general, members of the public are allowed to ask one question and the length of this should not exceed five minutes.

The Chair will invite the questioner to read out their question at the appropriate agenda item. A written reply to the question will also be provided and this will be included as an appendix to the minutes of the meeting.

On submission of a question please be aware that you are consenting to your name being published on the South Yorkshire Pensions Authority website as part of the minutes of the meeting.

What is the position on asking supplementary questions?

Supplementary questions may not be asked at the meeting and would need to be submitted to the next appropriate meeting.

Behaviour at public meetings

If a member of the public interrupts the proceedings or acts in a disruptive manner including displaying banners and signs, they could be excluded from the meeting.

Security Notice

In the interest of everybody’s safety, as a condition of entry, we may need to carry out security checks and members of the public may be asked to leave coats and bags outside of the meeting. Should this be necessary a designated secure area for belongings would be made available.

We will also require any banners and signs to be left outside.

Thank you for your understanding.

Further Information

If you require any further advice or information please do not hesitate to contact the Governance Team at .

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South Yorkshire Pensions Authority,
Oakwell House,
2 Beevor Court,
Pontefract Road,
S71 1HG



Tel: 0300 303 6160


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