Who we are
How we operate
Freedom of Information Our Customer Charter Pensions Policies Selling to us
How we are governed
Pensions Authority
Local Pension Board
Working for us
All members
Active members
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Responsible Investment
Employer Support
Employer Services
Employer Sites
ill Health
McCloud Judgement
Our Constitution sets out the framework of rules within which we operate the document is in a number of parts each of which can be viewed through selecting the links below:
Part 1 Summary and Articles of the Constitution This is the main body of the Constitution which sets out the basic framework of rules and roles and responsibilities of the Authority and its Committees and of the statutory officers.
Part 2 Scheme of Delegation to Officers This sets out the various powers and responsibilities delegated to individual officers of the Authority.
Part 3 Scheme of Delegation for the Border to Coast Pensions Partnership This sets out the arrangements for making decisions in relation to the Authority’s responsibilities as a member of the Border to Coast Pensions Partnership.
Part 4 Standing Orders These set out various key procedures such as the arrangements for meetings of the Authority and its committees together with the financial regulations and rules for procuring goods and services.
Part 5 Codes and Protocols These set out how issues such as conflicts of interest should be dealt with and the codes of conduct for both staff and members of the Pensions Authority together with the arrangements for ensuring the independence of key statutory officers.
Part 6 Members Allowance Scheme This sets out the scheme of allowances payable to members for their work on the Authority.